
Life skills from learning violin

FOURWAYS - Kim Field Dance Academy in Fourways has introduced a beginner group violin class as an extension of their music programme taught at the school.

Pupils have been given the opportunity to learn the basics of playing violin. According to music teacher Frank Sturgess, the classes are very basic. Students are taught how to take care of the violin, how to wind their bows and eventually how to play. Sturgess said violin is practised as an extension of one’s body, and can teach players about co-ordination, discipline and patience.

“Playing violin is a physical act. It teaches you balance and patience as you have to put time into playing daily,” he said.

Owner of Kim Field Dance Academy, Kim Field, said the violin classes form part of the subjects offered at the academy. Field chose to incorporate the violin into the course so children can start at an early age.

The curriculum also offers all forms of dance, music and vocal lessons. Their syllabus is set up in a way that works for individual pupils. “We never know if a child is good at a specific art subject or not, therefore we give them the opportunity to try out everything and see where their talent lies,” said Field.

“The school gives pupils two terms to see what they are good at and lets them concentrate on it.”

The dance academy also offers children extra-mural dance and music lessons.


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