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Armed robbery at Mugg and Bean Lonehill

Armed robber poses as delivery milk man.

LONEHILL- On 10 March popular coffee shop Mugg and Bean in Lonehill was robbed.

Belinda Lombard, co-owner of the establishment, said that the store was already open for business in the morning when a man walked through the door, pretending to be the milk delivery person.

“The man was led into the kitchen where he took out his firearm and pointed it at the kitchen staff,” she said.

The man then led Lombard upstairs where he demanded that she open the safe.

Lombard said all the man was after was the money on the premises but he also took her cellphone.

“There was a positive aspect to this in that none of the customers or the staff were harmed during the robbery,” she said.

Despite Monday morning’s robbery, Mugg and Bean Lonehill is back to business as usual.

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