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Park in a safe place

JOBURG- Car owners and drivers need to be aware of the added risks when they park their cars in unprotected areas.

Clive Humphrey, managing director of ADT central region, said ADT officers on patrol often notice vehicles parked in unprotected areas. He urged car owners to park in protected areas and offered five essential tips to ensure the safety of vehicles.

– Try not to park your vehicle on the street. If possible park in a garage or behind a locked gate.

– If you are parking in a public place, park in a well-lit area with regular security patrols and cameras.

– Avoid parking in dark, secluded spots, or in corners that may provide natural hiding places.

– Physically check that your doors are locked. Criminals often use remote-jamming devices to block cars from locking, especially at shopping centres and schools.

– Put valuables and other items in your boot. Do not leave valuables in plain sight inside your car.

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