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Bear provides support for Cerebral Palsy

FOURWAYS - Aware Bears is an initiative that aims to change the perceptions about people with disabilities, by providing an environment of acceptance for children and their families to discuss their feelings about the disability.

Helen, the Aware Bear mascot, was at the Shumbashaba Stables to create awareness and a better understanding of Cerebral Palsy.

Sharon Boyce of Shumbashaba Stables explained that Helen has Cerebral Palsy. “For some of the children and families who she goes to, they have to look up what this means, so it provides a unique experiential way of learning about the disability, as well as promoting tolerance of differences and awareness of similarities between us,” said Boyce.

Shumbashaba Stables, based in Mnandi Road, has the motto ‘Horses Helping People’, and children from Bona Lesedi Disability Centre in Diepsloot are assisted by staff and volunteers to ride ponies at the centre on Mondays to help with their breathing and muscle movement. The children have Cerebral Palsy, Downs Syndrome and other disabilities.

On 15 July, the children used Helen during their weekly session.

Jacky du Plessis of Shumbashaba Stables said, “It provided an opening to discuss the importance of helping all children reach their potential; the purpose of the children coming to Shumbashaba is to do just that – and also, very importantly, to have fun.”

Boyce added that Helen the Aware Bear has opened up conversation about Cerebral Palsy. “Helen’s presence has prompted a conversation in a church group around disability, as well as provided another child the opportunity to speak at her school assembly about what it means to have Cerebral Palsy. She was able to share with her peers that although she needs a wheelchair for mobility and her body appears different to theirs, all of their bodies differ from one another and her body, and way moving, is normal for her,” said Boyce.

Details: www.shumbashaba.co.za

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  1. Well done Aware Bears and Shumbashaba Stables!
    Cerebral Palsy is a real issue that no one seems to be addressing. Thank you for making a difference in these childrens lives!

  2. What a wonderful story,Shumbashaba Stables is a business that cares for it’s community!

    WE LOVE YOU!!!!!

  3. There is a desperate need for more places that cater for special needs children. We have a special needs child and are struggling to find a preschool, never mind a place where she can participate in extramural activities. Thank you Shumbashaba for making a difference

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