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Racial slur at bike shop

FOURWAYS - Damien Maclachlan's employer could have bitten off more than he could chew when making a racist comment to his employee.

Maclachlan recorded a conversation he had with the employer during a meeting to fire him from his job as workshop manager.

Before the meeting the two agreed he would notify Maclachlan in advance when he would be let go. Instead he called a meeting last week letting his employee know he was being dismissed.

When Maclachlan questioned his boss, he told him he made ‘a white man’s promise’ that he would leave without drama.
The comment indicated that Maclachlan would leave with dignity as expected from white males, rather than making a scene opposed to young males from another race.

During the meeting, Maclachlan questioned the safety of the bike store, salary deductions from his pay and the lack of on-site fire extinguishers.

In the recording Maclachlan’s concerns clearly fell on deaf ears.

At the moment he is weighing his options to take further action against his former superior.
The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) spokesperson Lusanda Myoli said the initial verbal agreement between the two was binding, and as a result the employer should have given more notice before dismissing Maclachlan.

As far as the derogatory comments were made, the employers should always aim to promote equal opportunity in the workplace by eliminating unfair discrimination in any employment policy or practice.

Employees also have the right to not be unfairly dismissed or be subjected to an unfair labour practice. Maclachlan, who has been employed for less than six months, does have one challenge ahead of him.

According to the CCMA, where an employee has worked for six months or less only one week notice is needed to terminate employment.

The disgruntled employee however maintained his former boss should have bitten his tongue.

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