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Champion of the pavements

DOUGLASDALE - Fourways Review and Hirschs have found their July Champion of the month.

This champion is selfless and courageous in her own right and will stop at nothing when it comes to cleaning up Fourways.

Susan Mottram, who is the previous Ward 115 councillor, is cleaning up Fourways one pavement at a time. Mottram and her wonderful team are responsible for the corner of Douglas and Leslie, Leslie Avenue West and Alexandra Avenue and Kingfisher Drive, just to name a few.

To thank Mottram for her hard work, Hirschs gave her a R1 000 voucher, so she could treat herself to something special.

The next intersection Mottram has targeted for her ‘anti grime, anti crime’ project is Douglas and Witkoppen Drive.

” I am a volunteer, a concerned and active resident, and I am calling on other concerned residents and businesses in and around Douglasdale and Fourways to make this project happen by volunteering their expertise and time both on the project launch day and leading up to it, and sponsoring materials (e.g paving and bollards) and/or donating funds. We won’t be able to fulfill this vision without some serious funding,” Mottram said.

She said if they had unlimited funds or were able to find a great corporate sponsor, her dream for the pavement would be to level the pathway and place decorative pebbles set in cement along the pavement. She would also paint the boundary walls, subject to getting the owners approval, and clear away the heavy foliage, which is fast becoming a security risk.

She said another idea she had was to grass the pavement. “I am open to suggestions and ideas from the public and would love people who would like to get involved to contact me.”

“To succeed, this project will also need a sustainability programme, which I envisage could be provided by one or more businesses. The beautifying of the dusty corner at the intersection of Witkoppen Drive and Douglasdale Drive would be a highly-visible corporate social responsibility project for a company (or companies). By providing sustainability of the project through ongoing maintenance (a once a week clean-up, either outsourced or managed via internal resources), that company would qualify to have its logo and telephone number on a community board at that corner. Community boards are free from monthly rental payments to the council, although there would be a material cost for the make-up and installation of the board,” Mottam said.

Details; susan@suenami.co.za

Champion of the month

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