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How to report street light outages in Johannesburg

City Power has launched a new hotline for reporting faulty street lights, making it easier for residents to log service calls and ensure efficient resolution.

Keeping our city’s streets safe and well-lit is a top priority because faulty streetlights can pose a risk to pedestrians, drivers, and residents. It is also easier for criminals to move around in areas that are in the dark.

If you notice a streetlight that’s not working properly, it’s essential to report it to the city. But how long does it take for the issue to be resolved?

Read more: City Power electrical safety tips

Photo: Ditiro Masuku
Photo: Ditiro Masuku

The process of reporting faulty streetlights to City Power.

The city has launched a new toll-free hotline, accessible through their website: www.citypower.co.za, making it easier for Johannesburg residents to report faulty streetlights and log service calls.

By reporting faulty streetlights, residents play a vital role in maintaining the safety and infrastructure of the City of Gold.

Dial City Powers toll-free hotline to bring the lights back on the street. Photo: Ditiro Masuku
Dial City Powers toll-free hotline to bring the lights back on the street. Photo: Ditiro Masuku

City Power advises residents to escalate reports of streetlight outages that have persisted for over seven days after initial reporting. For individual streetlight outages, residents should escalate calls if the issue remains unresolved after 24 hours.

Also read: City Power deployed all of its available personnel to battle stage 6 load shedding across the City.

Photo: AdobeStock.
Photo: AdobeStock.

The dedicated hotline operates from Monday to Sunday, between 06:00 and 18:00. Additionally, the toll-free number can be used to escalate area power outages exceeding a period of four hours, ensuring a prompt response to critical issues.

By working together, residents can ensure that the city remains a safe and enjoyable place to live, work, and visit. Remember, reporting faulty streetlights is a simple, yet, effective way to make a positive impact on the community’s safety and well-being.

Report faulty street lights to City Power to get them back on. Photo: Ditiro Masuku
Report faulty street lights to City Power to get them back on. Photo: Ditiro Masuku

Call 0800 003 156 to report faulty streetlights.

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