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Norscot Manor Recreation Centre elections run smoothly

IEC staff assisted pregnant women, the elderly and others with difficulties to go to the front of the line.

IEC staff were reluctant to speak on the record but they were assisting pregnant women, the elderly and others with difficulties to go to the front of the line.

This site opened on time and problems with the tablets / IT equipment were resolved quickly after the station opened.

Fourways Review was told this is traditionally a very busy site for voters so the long line is not only normal, but expected until the polls close this evening.

Ndumiso Dyantyi with his daughters Imitha and Mthwakaci says the system of sorting voters by surname could be more efficient but actually voting was easy. He voted for the ANC "Worldwide democracies only settle after a century unless you are like Dubai which Is run like a dictatorship. We are in a difficult moment but things will get better."
Ndumiso Dyantyi with his daughters Imitha and Mthwakaci says the system of sorting voters by surname could be more efficient but actually voting was easy.
He voted for the ANC. “Worldwide democracies only settle after a century unless you are like Dubai which Is run like a dictatorship. We are in a difficult moment but things will get better.”
IEC official Bongi Mongwe stamps Ian McIntyre's ballot papers and explains what they are for
IEC official Bongi Mongwe stamps Ian McIntyre’s ballot papers and explains what they are for.
Ian McIntyre places his three ballot papers into the ballot box
Ian McIntyre places his three ballot papers into the ballot box.
Tumi Halo casts her vote.
Tumi Halo casts her vote.
IEC official Ursula Maila said they were lucky and had enough boxes so they have divided up the votes to help with counting later and voters should not worry if they only had one box.
IEC official Ursula Maila said they were lucky and had enough boxes so they have divided the votes to help with counting later and voters should not worry if they only had one box.
JMPD officers Gwen Seopele and Itumeleng Masilo say there have been no security or other concerns since voting began. There has been a steady stream of voters peacefully participating in the elections.
JMPD officers Gwen Seopele and Itumeleng Masilo say there have been no security or other concerns since voting began. There has been a steady stream of voters peacefully participating in the elections.
Gwen Seopele is voting for the DA. "I like what they have done in the Western Cape and hope if they get enough support now that they could replicate some of their successes here."
Gwen Seopele is voting for the DA. “I like what they have done in the Western Cape and hope if they get enough support now that they could replicate some of their successes here.”


Related article: Councillors in Fourways are encouraging residents to vote

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