
Fourways karate star hopes for a gold medal at the WUKF World Karate Championships next year

Local athlete needs financial help in order to realise his dream at WUKF World Karate Championships next year.

Fourways-based karate athlete Christos Prokas (11) has recently been selected by Shotokan-ZA Karate to represent South Africa in the WUKF World Karate Championships in Scotland next year.

Christos’s father Kali said the 11-year-old athlete started karate at the age of four after he experienced bullying at school due to his protruding ears and later developed a love for the sport.

“It became clear to us as his parents that karate was his passion. Christo has been competing in many competitions in the last year including the WUKF South Africa National Championships where he earned a silver medal and is now an SA silver medallist for kata in his age division,” added Kali.

Fourways-based karate athlete Christos Prokas is to represent South Africa in the WUKF World Karate Championships next year.

Prokas said Christos spent many hours training and had shown sheer determination and dedication to get to this point in his karate career. “He is passionate about this sport and it is a huge achievement to be selected to compete at the World Champs level at his age. He will be competing in the kata, team kata and kumite divisions at the upcoming World Champs.”

He appealed to members of the public and business community to help them raise funds to sponsor his trip to represent the country in Scotland next year. “We have started a crowdfunding campaign through Back A Buddy to try and raise some funds to allow Christos to live his dream of competing at the World Games which is a dream he has had since he was a little boy.”


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Local karate star to represent South Africa at the World Karate Championships

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