
Curro Academy Riverside hosts academic gala awards evening for 2021 top achievers

RIVERSIDE– O’Brien said the aim of the event was to celebrate and reward top achievers of all senior phase grades.

Curro Academy Riverside hosted the 2021 academic awards gala event for senior phase top achievers at the school on February 3.

Excited learners, teachers and parents came in their numbers to witness top achievers being rewarded for their hard work.

The 2021 senior phase top achievers at Curro Academy Riverside. Photo: Supplied

Senior phase principal at the school Jennifer O’Brien said the aim of the event was to celebrate and reward top achievers of all senior phase grades. “The event set the academic tone for the year and learners were inspired to achieve academic excellence for the year 2022.

“Consistency, hard work and dedication paid off. We wish all our learners well for the new academic year that lies ahead. Our teachers are inspired to produce excellent results.”

O’Brien urged parents to continue helping their children and give them all the support they need.

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