Pit-Track demonstration leaves learners informed

DAINFERN – The Pit-Track organisation held a talk for Dainfern College in which issues on endangered species was the topic of the day.

Grade 8, 9 and 10 learners from Dainfern College were treated to a conversation and demonstration about conservation on 24 March.

Pit-Track K9 Conservation discussed the importance of protecting natural heritage as well as the role they play in helping to combat species extinction.

The school’s digital media and communication spokesperson, Ashley van Aswegen explained that the school is part of the international Round Square initiative, therefore, an environmental aspect is needed in their daily learning.

Grade 8, 9 and 10 learners at Dainfern College enjoy a K9 demonstration on 24 March. Photo: Supplied

Round Square is a worldwide association consisting of nearly 230 schools, that aims to collaborate to offer programmes to learners in schools associated with Round Square. “With Dainfern College being an international Round Square school, learners are encouraged to develop a spirit of environmentalism in order to understand their place the forces that shape their surroundings and the impact they have on those surroundings,” she said.

“It was terribly sad to hear how many species are endangered and threatened by extinction and how this number has risen exponentially in the last 100 years.”

Pit-Track is assisted by canines to prevent the poaching of endangered species in the greater Kruger area. Learners saw one of the trained dogs in action after the talk. Van Aswegen concluded, “Dainfern College would like to thank the Pit-Track team for coming to share such valuable information with their learners.”

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