Babies & ToddlersKids

How to soothe a crying and fussy baby

There is nothing more stressful than a crying baby, especially if there is no apparent reason for their crying. Incessant crying can leave not only your baby but everyone living in your home stressed and miserable. Here are a few measures you can take to soothe your baby and help them stop crying. Crying is …

There is nothing more stressful than a crying baby, especially if there is no apparent reason for their crying. Incessant crying can leave not only your baby but everyone living in your home stressed and miserable. Here are a few measures you can take to soothe your baby and help them stop crying.

Crying is normal

Crying is a natural way that babies use to communicate since they cannot talk and express their feelings. Whenever they feel uncomfortable they cry. Normally, babies cry when they are hungry, they have a soiled nappy, they are too hot or too cold, their clothes feel tight, or they are in pain. Some babies want the presence of their parents or someone familiar and if there isn’t anyone, they will wail uncontrollably. Crying without any cause is a habit in some babies. Even though crying is considered normal, it may worry family members. Since the reasons for crying range from simple causes to more serious ones, crying should not be ignored. Below are a few things you can do to make your baby stop crying:

Soothe your baby

  • Loosen their clothing: Babies want to be free to stretch and when they are wearing tight clothing that restricts their movement, they become irritated and cry for help.
  • Check their temperature: It’s always better to open the windows for air to circulate and check if the baby is not too hot or too cold.
  • Change their nappy: Babies often cry if they have a wet or soiled nappy. 
  • Cuddle them: There is nothing more comforting than a mother’s touch. Hold your baby, rock them, or stroke them.
  • Are they hungry? Half the time, babies cry because they are hungry, so offer the breast or bottle. 
  • Swaddle them: Try wrapping your baby with a soft, stretchy blanket. 
  • Babies love music: Playing soft, rhythmic music can help stop crying. 
  • Try the dummy: A pacifier can be a great comfort for a fussy baby.
  • Go outside: A breath of fresh air and some sunshine might do both you and baby good, so pick your little one up and go outside for a change of scenery.
  • Ask for help: If you are feeling frazzled by your baby’s constant crying, reach out to other family members and ask them to hold your baby for a while. 

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