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Little Kickers Fourways keeps it up online

FOURWAYS – Little Kickers players continue to keep active during the lockdown.

Nearly two months on and Little Kickers Fourways are still sharing online videos to help youngsters improve their soccer skills at home during the lockdown.

The group made a special mention on Facebook thanking parents who are still supporting the club which moved its lessons from the soccer field to the garden to better fight the coronavirus pandemic.

In one of the latest lesson videos shared by the group, coach Phil of Little Kickers Cyprus shows how to warm up before exercising before he demonstrates a drill which involves dribbling a ball around four cones.

He does this by first getting the audience active by going around (or over) the cones while stretching his hands out and pretending to be an aeroplane, hopping over the cones and also zig-zagging backwards through the cones.

When he reaches the stage of actually dribbling the soccer ball, it is easy to see how children would find it fun and easy with the various activities done.”Parents have said their children were very excited to see their coaches again and that they missed them terribly,” said Fourways franchise owner, Karunes Naidoo.

“The videos are allowing the Little Kickers to keep fit, entertained and also bond with their parents as we have seen.”

Naidoo said in addition to sharing international videos such as the one mentioned, the group’s coaches Wilson Shendzelani and Thomas Tshungulwane have made a fantastic effort in creating some super fun videos and simple Little Kickers classes for children to take part in while at home. There are also live virtual classes.

“Once it is deemed safe for us to offer regular classes again, our Little Kickers Fourways team is ready and will kick off with our new standard health and safety procedures necessary to keep our players and coaches safe,” concluded Naidoo

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