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Dainfern Diamonds Advanced Toastmasters have the gift of the gab

DAINFERN – Community members are encouraged to join the Dainfern Diamonds Advanced Toastmasters club.

Dainfern Diamonds Advanced Toastmasters club looks forward to welcoming new advanced Toastmasters.

The club is one of two clubs in the Dainfern Golf and Lifestyle Estate and one of its founding members is internationally-known comedian, Joe Parker.

Leon Malan, the treasurer of the Diamonds Advanced Toastmasters Club said, “We developed as an advanced Toastmasters club to serve other Toastmasters, particularly from Dainfern Tigers Toastmasters club, who are at the more experienced level, to have a more challenging Toastmasters meeting and thus become even more experienced and advanced.”

The club meets at the Six33 Restaurant in the estate clubhouse twice a month on the first and third Monday of the month at 6.30pm for 7pm and the meetings generally last between two and two-and-a-half hours.

“The club offers many challenging questions and solutions by having so-called masterclass sessions covering a range of topics from ethics and integrity, through investment and entrepreneurial opportunities, including humorous speaking and comedy. This, in a supportive environment where members learn and master the science of public speaking.”

The club is hosting their Annual Club Contest, where the winner goes through to the next round and is in the running to be crowned World Champion of Public Speaking at an annual convention, this year to be held in Paris, France.

“It promises to be an exciting evening, where all the contestants give their absolute best and glitter like the diamonds they are,” said Malan.

He added that the club also has ‘George’ the travelling gavel, which is an emissary initiative that fosters inter-club visits, which in turn spreads and maintains the Toastmasters club spirit, and builds a little bit of inter-club rivalry, where the competitive nature of individuals comes to the fore.

“We are looking forward to seeing you as a cherished Dainfern Golf and Lifestyle Estate resident at our contest meeting where we shall warmly welcome you and help you get started on your journey of communication mastery.”

Details: To RSVP for the event contact Margot Don to enable entry codes to the estate. She is contactable on 082 414 9613; margotdon1@gmail.com

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