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Local bags his 55th world record with doughnuts

EPSOM DOWNS – 1 300 doughnuts later and Andre van Ziji has earned his 55th world record by making the most doughnuts by hand in support of the Bible Society of South Africa.

One doughnut is a lovely treat, but over a thousand will help give people across South Africa access to scripture in their native tongue.

On 27 February, Epsom Downs resident and multi-world record holder Andre van Ziji earned himself his 55th world record when he managed to make 1 300 doughnuts by hand in support of the Bible Society of South Africa.

The Aids activist, who has raised millions of rands over the years for animals, the disabled and orphans in need, hand-cooked a total of 1 300 doughnuts at the Epsom Downs Shopping Centre’s Pick ‘n Pay on the day, with proceeds from the sale of the doughnuts going to the society’s ‘2 Million Bibles’ project.

The project was launched by the society this year to celebrate the 200 years that the organisation has been in South Africa. With the proceeds of the initiative, the society will distribute native language Bibles to people across the country, as well as Bible-based literacy booklets for children.

ALSO READ: A sweet world record attempt for Fourways resident

“I arrived at about 7pm [on 27 February] to begin making the doughnuts, and spent about seven hours making them all,” van Ziji told the Fourways Review. “Luckily I had a lot of help in the kitchen from staff, and the head baker for the store Yannick Matungulu was here and taught me how to make them.”

The doughnuts were on sale for R5 each, and so far the attempt has seen 173 boxes of doughnuts sold, meaning that about R5 000 has been raised. Christo Maree of the Bible Society of South Africa was present at the store on the day and was very happy about how everything had gone.

“I’m feeling very positive about Andre’s efforts and so thankful to him,” he said. “The society works to translate the bible, publish and print copies of the book and then distribute them to people who need the word.

Chad Dunnington (store owner), Yannick Matungulu (head baker), Christo Maree (of the Bible Society) and Andre van Ziji share a sweet smile after van Ziji made a whopping 1 300 doughnuts in his world record attempt. Photo: Robyn Kirk

“Morality is low right now in society, and our hope is that access to the bible will address that.

“We publish the Word in 11 different languages because we want people to be able to read the gospel in their ‘heart language’, their first language and not their second or third language, so that they can really understand what it means.”

People who still want to contribute to the 2 Million Bible project can donate straight to the society, and also find out more on the website.

Details: www.biblesociety.co.za; Christo Maree 083 764 4755.

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