
Special start to the new academic year

CHARTWELL – It was a day of big smiles and big plans as Unity College opened for the new school year.


Unity College, located in the Chartwell area, started their school year on 16 January with smiles, some new faces and big plans for 2019.

The school, which educates children between three and 23 years old with special needs, went through a number of changes last year. New headmaster Deon Visser joined the staff in April after spending more than 30 years in mainstream education, the administration department was reshuffled and aesthetic changes were made to the college’s grounds including the repainting of all the school’s buildings, and a revamp of the admin building that included paving and retiling.

It is hoped that this year will see even more changes and growth for the betterment of the school and its children.

“I look forward to a growth in numbers of those at the school,” said Visser on opening day.

“We’re planning to upgrade the facilities at the school, including redoing the sportsfield and digging two more boreholes for the property. “We also want to upgrade the play areas and kitchen facilities for home economics classes.”

In the junior school, Siyamthanda Ntshangase returned to Unity after a term’s absence (to a huge welcome back from the school), while Shauni Richter joins the school as a new teacher with two new schoolchildren Aarav Narsa and Lexi Colyn. Photo: Robyn Kirk

The school has introduced a new syllabus for its senior phase which is based on the Caps (Curriculum Assessment Policy Statements) curriculum.

The staff has also grown with the introduction of Nolene Oosthuizen (speech therapist), Kehilwe Motale (classroom assistant for the junior phase), Debbie Röhr (life orientation teacher for the senior phase), Nicole Kayton (occupational therapist) and Shauni Richter (junior phase teacher).

In terms of new children at the school, Aarav Narsai and Lexi Colyn started junior phase and Thomas Alexander joined senior phase.



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