
Security can be affordable, said 7Arrows managing director

FOURWAYS – Jason Mordecai, the managing director of 7Arrows Security, gives residents advice on how to keep safe without breaking the bank.


Annual police statistics reflect that contact crime has increased this year by six per cent and therefore residents need to be cognisant of this when evaluating their own security at home, said Jason Mordecai, the managing director of 7Arrows Security.

When evaluating your home’s security needs, affordability is always something that is considered for obvious reasons. One can cut costs on security if they spend their budget on the right things.

For example, home invasions are often initiated through one’s driveway gate, this could be prevented if residents were to reinforce their gates by simple welding, which is not only safety effective but cost effective too.

Electric fencing, as opposed to beams, is also a cheaper alternative, which is an effective way to keep criminals out. Linking your fence to your armed response company is also a good barrier.

“The Pareto 80/20 principle is applicable when assessing your security, meaning 80 per cent of your outcome derives from 20 per cent of your input,” said Mordecai.

In other words, if you reverse this principle and apply it to your budget by using 20 per cent of your budget in a smart way you can effectively get 80 per cent security output for your home.

Chat with your security company about cost-saving ways to be secure. If you cannot afford an alarm you can always get basic panic kits, which allow you to call for armed response when necessary.

Crime prevention using environmental design also proves to be very effective and cost saving, this is the method of using your environment to your advantage:

  • Good lighting – being able to see around your home’s perimeter and illuminating hiding spots is a great tool to keep criminals out
  • Get rid of foliage and trees around your property, which will also remove hiding spots, as well as eliminate aids which assist criminals to climb over walls and fences
  • Signage from your security company is another way to create the impression that your home is secured
  • Do not leave tools such as ladders, dustbins, hammers or other tools out that criminals can use against you
  • Empower your domestic workers with tools to combat crime – training on being safe and secure is useful for these individuals who are often easy targets due to them being home alone for most of the day
  • A safe room is something many homeowners should look at. It is a simple room that locks from the inside with a panic button that can assist in keeping you safe if under attack
  • Engaging in your community’s security is very valuable; the more neighbours involved in a common cause, the better security a suburb can have. Simply by calling in suspicious activity adds another crime preventative dimension to a neighbourhood
  • Neighbourhood watches also collectively allow neighbours to be involved proactively and therefore become a barrier for criminals to have to get through.

Technology also assists with easy to reach cost-effective ways to protect ourselves. The Casi panic app is an amazing app that offers personal security at a very low cost. It enhances your personal safety when not at home or on route to your home by giving you mobile access to a panic button nationwide.

Casi will link you to the closest security provider in the area who will then respond according to your panic. This subscription cost is R35 per month and is available in your app stores.

“In short, security can be cost-effective if applied smartly; we urge all residents to research this and take it very seriously. With crime stats on the rise, one cannot take such things for granted. Being prepared and using effective tools can combat crime.”



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Step up your home security to avoid becoming a victim of crime

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