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Ducks run around a golf course

KYALAMI – Running is not just for the birds, as proved by runners at Kyalami Country Club.


Over bridges and around ponds, the ‘ducks’ waddled at full tilt, turning the golf course at Kyalami Country Club into their playground for the night.

The Duck Night Run on 2 February drew 200 runners despite lightning flashing not far off, and the threat of rain.

The 5km race went off without a hitch, seeing young and old, men and women, test their mettle on the scenic route, while only a few runners were able to finish the 10km race before it was cut short when lightning drew closer.

Overall, everyone had a blast.

“It was our first run and lots of fun,” said Matthew Fisher, who ran with two friends.

“I can’t wait to do the 10km next time.”

Kumar Tulsi, Grant Anderson and Matthew Fisher complete The Duck Night Run for the first time. Photo Nicholas Zaal

Esta le Roux, who also came with three friends, said her group participated in every Duck Night Run.

“It is always lots of fun,” she said.

“Tonight there was plenty of moonlight, which made it really nice. In winter it is a bit dark so it is harder to see.”

The Duck Night Run at kyalami Country Club attracts 200 runners. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

Edwin Abrahams ran with his son Dylan for the first time. The pair agreed they would be back.

The run is held once every two months and runners are asked to either bring their own torches or headlamps, or buy one from the organisers, Trail Adventure, so that the reflective markers along the route light up clearly whenever a runner approaches.

“Running on a golf course is safer than on the road, especially at night,” said Shane Gouldie, the owner of Trail Adventure.

“We have found it is lots of fun, and a good event for families.”

Runners start The Duck Night Run on the golf course. Photo: Nicholas Zaal
Daniel and Joshua Robinson run with their friend Kéone Nel. Photo: Nicholas Zaal

The company also hosts night runs at Dainfern Country Club, Steyn City and Copperleaf Golf Estate, with Dainfern to host the next run in March.

Runners under 13 and over 60 years of age run for free.

Edwin Abrahams and his son, Dylan, will be back Photo: Nicholas Zaal.

Visit www.trailadventure.co.za for more details about upcoming runs on golf courses near you.

Also read: Kyalami Club makes a run for it 

If you know of stories you would like us to publish, let us know about them by emailing nicholasz@caxton.co.za

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