
Michael Mount celebrates 100 per cent BD pass

BRYANSTON – Read more to find out how the class of 2017 of Michael Mount performed.


Not only did the Class of 2017 uphold Michael Mount Waldorf School’s 100 per cent pass rate, but the whole class also obtained university entrance.

A total of 30 candidates wrote the Independent Examinations Board National Senior Certificate and they achieved 48 distinctions and 79 meritorious achievements.

Francesca Sanne who achieved eight distinctions deserves a special mention as she was placed in the IEB’s top five per cent on aggregate and the top one per cent for geography and life orientation.

Mikha Kreft achieved seven distinctions while Jonathan Boulle has five distinctions and was placed in the IEB’s top one per cent for geography. Rebeccah Malapane also received four distinctions.

Michael Mount views education as a responsibility beyond the acquisition of academic knowledge. It seeks to help every student develop into a well-rounded, creative and independent thinker.

The school also applauds every student’s achievement and wishes them well for the future.

Details:; 011 706 6125.

Jonathan Boulle achieved five distinctions.
Francesca Sanne achieved eight distinctions.
Mikha Kreft achieved seven distinctions.

What can the class of 2018 learn from the previous one? Share your views on the Fourways Review Facebook page.


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