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Ward 132 councillor, Annette Deppe’s hopes and dreams

FOURWAYS – What are Ward 132 councillor, Annette Deppe's wishes for the year ahead? Read to find out.


Ward 132 councillor, Annette Deppe shares her hopes for the new year as she reflects on last year.

When asked where she would like to see the ward be this year, Deppe stated that she hopes to see the ward grow economically, create precincts around the office nodes and to create an urban environment which grows responsible citizens, is family friendly and crime free.

She stated that she plans to implement her duties as a councillor this year, the same way she has been doing for the last 10 years. “Ward 93 was voted the best ward in Region A by the officials in the last term of office. So now we need to make Ward 132 the best ward.”

When asked what community members can expect from her this year, Deppe stated that residents should expect more structures, more projects, more fun and finding out who their voters are as well as focusing on the 2019 National Election.

As she reflected on the previous year, Deppe stated that the Democratic Alliance (DA) did not win Johannesburg outright and they entered into a coalition with some of the smaller partners as well as partnering with the Economic Freedom Fighters.

“We are now governing the Joburg municipality and leading the fight to rid the City of corruption. This includes undertaking skills audits and evaluating and auditing every department to ascertain how effective they are,” she said.

Deppe added that these are positive moves that will see the DA drive out corruption and concentrate on service delivery and prioritising projects that will uplift people. “To uplift the poor and create a space that is conducive for people to prosper and flourish in, in today’s difficult economic climate, will be a challenge. Job opportunities have to be created– it is fundamental to ensuring people’s freedom.

“We will ensure that our three pillars of democracy – freedom, fairness and opportunity – are priorities in the way in which we manage and govern our City.”

Deppe concluded that the community needs to guard against racism and be mindful that the ward is a diverse mix and is home to many different cultures. “Tolerance of those who are different from ourselves must be a priority and I would like the ward to keep doing great things, to stay interactive with the council, as it is a ward filled with diverse and passionate residents.”

What would you like to see Ward 132 councillor, Annette Deppe do in the area this year? Tweet @Fourways_Review with your thoughts

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