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A big thank you!

Klarika Nettleton writes about the successes of the Ian Tarr animal welfare project.


Klarika Nettleton writes about the successes of the Ian Tarr animal welfare project:

May I briefly extend my heartfelt thanks for the support that I am receiving.

The Tarr family, managers and staff at the Broadacres Spar on Cedar Road are so helpful, enthusiastic and generous with donations of food, tick and flea treatment every week. The same can be said for shoppers, who are very kind in their contributions as well.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

On Wednesday, 4 October I, along with Sergeant Mokwena of the Saps, went into the squatter camps for many hours. We were able to help many animals, and also brought gifts for kids in the areas, as well as goods for adults, the donation of which is greatly appreciated.

These people are really suffering, and it is an inhumane environment in which to live.

Michael Tarr, Klarika Nettleton and Edison Mbeczi outside the Broadacres Spar where donations can be left. Photo: Robyn Kirk

We are all family in the animal kingdom and in nature, and we must stand together, love and respect one another. Together, we can create a paradise in our country.

Please continue, all of you, with your wonderful support.

Edison [Mbeczi], a manager at the Broadacres Spar is going on leave soon and I look forward to his return.

Finally, I would like to give great compliment to Caxton Publishing for their wonderful publication, the SANPark Times, which deals with animals, nature and the people who care for both.

If you wish to phone me or to leave a message, you can contact me on 011 462 1445.

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