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HeronBridge remembers Mandela with a school sleep-out

FOURWAYS – Heron Bridge College celebrated Mandela Day by reaching out to the less fortunate. The school is excited about the charity drives planned for the rest of the year. Read here to find out more.

HeronBridge College celebrated Mandela Day with a school sleep-out and some Stop Hunger initiatives. The pre-preparatory children and staff members celebrated the day by dressing up in symbolic clothing that reminded them of the late Nelson Mandela.

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The children also made sandwiches which they gave to the less fortunate on their way home from school. Leftover sandwiches were also distributed at nursery schools in Diepsloot and Kya Sands.

The Grade 7’s enjoyed a school sleep-out on Friday, 14 July.

Heron Bridge’s outreach programme consists of a series of on-going events to foster empathy for the homeless and raise funds for the school’s primary beneficiaries.

How will your Mandela Day project impact the less-fortunate in the future? Share on the Fourways Review Facebook page.

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