
Six injured after taxi skips red robot

FOURWAYS – A heavily pregnant woman, along with five other passengers, were injured after a taxi jumped a red light in Douglasdale on 29 September.


Six people, including a pregnant woman, were injured after a taxi jumped a set of red traffic lights in Fourways and collided with another vehicle on 29 September.

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The collision happened on the corner of William Nicol and Douglas drives in Douglasdale at 6am.

According to Max Cohen, spokesperson for Emer-G-Med, a private ambulance service which was at the scene, as the taxi crossed the intersection, it hit an oncoming vehicle and then rolled, hitting a second vehicle. The second car then collided with a third vehicle.

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“Initial reports said that four people had been injured, but I have since been updated that the number was actually six,” said Cohen.

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“It’s believed that the pregnant woman was admitted to hospital for further observation. The six patients, including the heavily pregnant woman, sustained minor to moderate injuries and were transported to a nearby hospital for further treatment.”

The taxi driver was arrested on the scene for reckless and negligent driving, as well as for driving without a valid driver’s licence.

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