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Be warned not to advertise illegally

FOURWAYS –Signage and advertising posters need an ADreach sticker on them to serve as authorisation for legal advertising.


It has been observed that the number of illegal advertising in the area has increased, and community members are advised and warned to not be part of the trend.

According to Sector 4 Community Policing Forum (CPF) chairperson, David Foley, keeping the environment clean and green is important to the community and illegal signage or advertising defeats the purpose.

“What we have been doing here regarding the clean-ups is determining which signage posters or advertising boards need to be removed, as they make the area look tacky and deteriorate it,” Foley explained.

He added that when they have their monthly CPF meeting, they address the issue of illegal advertising where the matter is then taken up with Metro police who are responsible for the removal of illegal adverts.

“Most of the illegal signage and advertising posters can be seen along William Nicol Drive and neighbouring intersections. The only time… advertising is legal, is if they are put up on street lights, Eskom poles and telephone poles,” Foley added.

“Signage and advertising posters need the outdoor advertising agency’s ADreach sticker on them which serves as an authorisation, because if they do not have the sticker, then securities patrolling the area will have no choice but to remove it.”

Metro police spokesperson, Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar said that depending on the size of their poster, community members who advertise illegally can face charges. “In some areas, the adverts obscure the vision of drivers as they are put in very awkward places, hence, we go around the area removing illegal advertising and the only way the owners of the illegal advert can retrieve it is by paying a R2 510 fine.”

Read more:

When advertising crosses the line

JPC tackles illegal advertising head on

Illegal advertising is out of control

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