
Diepsloot Grade 12 pupil a shining example

DIEPSLOOT – Meet an amazing Diepsloot youngster.


A Grade 12 Dieplsoot pupil, Morongwa Ramasobane, is all that a youth should be, she is positive minded, helpful and hard working.

This was revealed by Aveng Community Investment Trust, a socio-economic development organisation that supports youths with educational resources and character building.

“This month, as we commemorate Youth Day and pay tribute to the 1976 generation of young [pupils] who helped bring about much-needed change in our country, we are particularly inspired by some of the [pupils] at our Diepsloot school who are showing great commitment to building our nation. One such person is Morongwa Ramasobane, a Grade 12 at Leap,” said Sorita van Tonder, Aveng communication manager.

Van Tonder said the trust has been supporting the Leap School in the Diepsloot area for five years, adding that the school has been the best performing school in Diepsloot for the past two years. She said maths and science have been posting the highest pass rate. “It is a testament to the dedication and commitment of the pupils, teachers and parents,” said Van Tonder.

Morongwa was born in Alexandra and moved with her sisters to Diepsloot at a young age. Despite her tough upbringing, Morongwa always had a hunger for learning. She has also always had a passion for uplifting and empowering her community – particularly women, who are often alienated in Diepsloot.

She joined Leap in 2013 in Grade 9, but her vibrant personality, excellent communication skills along with her passion resulted in her being made secretary of the Nelson Mandela Children’s Parliament. Her role is to address the many challenges experienced by the youth in disadvantaged communities and to guide the development of viable solutions.

“Morongwa played a pivotal role in hosting the World Aids Day activities of the Children’s Parliament in 2015 and is part of the Young Urban Women’s Project, which motivates women to be better leaders and to voice their concerns openly,” said Van Tonder.

Morongwa is also influential in arranging a mobile clinic that offers medical care to pupils at the school, as well as the surrounding Diepsloot community.

Her immediate focus is on passing Grade 12 with excellent results and applying for a bursary to study engineering at the University of Cape Town or the University of the Witwatersrand.

When Fourways Review eventually caught up with the 17-year-old girl, she did not disappoint us.

The vividly confident lass said her leadership and communication skills pushed her into community work. She added that her desire to make a difference prompted her to volunteer in many community projects.

“If one lives in a community like Diepsloot you get to understand problems faced with young girls and this made me to be involved in community uplifting projects at a younger age,” she said.

Morongwa is staying with her mother and two older sisters.

HEALTH: Morongwa Ramasobane during her a mobile clinic visit in Diepsloot.
HEALTH: Morongwa Ramasobane during her a mobile clinic visit in Diepsloot.

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