
Witkoppen Road traffic a headache

FOURWAYS - Witkoppen Road is notoriously known for being jam-packed with heavy traffic around peak hour and it seems that frustrated motorists are now breaking the rules of the road.

Some traffic offenders are known to also drive on the verges and islands on William Nicol Drive.

Metro police’s spokesperson, Chief Superintendent Wayne Minnaar has warned that motorists who drive on the shoulder or the verge of the road would face a hefty fine of R1 000.

It came to Fourways Review’s attention that many motorists become frustrated by the stagnant peak hour traffic that they then create an extra lane by driving on the shoulder of the road.

According to Minnaar, motorists guilty of driving on a pedestrian sidewalk would receive a R500 fine, and if caught driving on the wrong side of the road as well as driving across a dividing strip or over a traffic island, motorists would receive a R1 000 fine.

“Motorists should be aware that if they get caught overtaking where prohibited or breaking any road rules, hefty fines will be issued to them,” said Minnaar.

Details: 011 375 5911.

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