
Station commander of the Douglasdale Police Station optimistic about 2016

DOUGLASDALE – Despite a difficult past year for the Douglasdale Police Station, station commander Brigadier Lettie Hugo is optimistic that all will go well this year.


“[Last year] was a very difficult year – 84 members were transferred after a strike resulting in lots of changes. We had to start from scratch rebuilding the police team,” said Hugo.

According to her, a group of Douglasdale police officers decided to strike on 29 January last year while a police disciplinary hearing was taking place at the station. The aim of the hearing was to determine the outcome of allegations of racism that surfaced at the station in August 2014. At the time, a group of Douglasdale police officers accused the management of the station of being biased towards white officers.

Hugo added that the focus for the new year would be rebuilding the community’s trust in the Douglasdale police team as residents had a negative perception of them. She stressed that the number one goal for Douglasdale police would be to improve their image through service delivery and focusing on the basics.

“Once we get the basics right such as respect and service delivery, we will definitely be on the right track,” she said.

Hugo also encouraged the community to report crime. “Our biggest issues have been theft out of a motor vehicles, hijackings, and car jamming,” she said.

Hugo urged community members to take precautions and not leave valuables in their vehicles.

She added that Douglasdale police would continue to work with Metro police and various security companies to address corruption and crime.

Details:; 082 787 2886.

Do you think that the public’s perception of the police will change in the new year? Tweet @Fourways_Review with your comments

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