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A dog with a fighting spirit

FOURWAYS - Pet Empowerment in Townships has a number of adult dogs which are up for adoption, and one such animal is Peggy-Sue, a three-legged dog with a fighting spirit.

Laura Whittaker from the organisation said, “One of our volunteers alerted us that a dog was seriously hurt in a person’s yard in Orange Farm Township. When we got there, the dog hopped on three legs towards us and wagged her tail like she knew we were there to help her.”

She went on to say the dogs back leg was completely mangled and her bones on her foot were visible. She said, “It was one of the worst cases we have ever seen, and to make it worse was that this little girl had been hit by a car almost a week before and her owners did not bother to let anyone know.”

The dog was in excruciating pain for days and was painfully thin. Despite everything, this poor girl, who was named Peggy-Sue, still wagged her tail and gave kisses and cuddles to everyone. Peggy-Sue’s leg had to be amputated as it could not be saved.

The operation went well and she is recovering and will be able to live a normal life with three legs. “If you are interested in adopting this miracle dog or donating towards her surgery, they contact the organisation via e-mail.

Details: jhb@pets.org.za

Filler: Have you ever rescued a pet or adopted one from a shelter? Tell us on the Fourways Review Facebook page

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