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Ark has big plans for the new year

CHARTWELL - Ark Animal Centre received a welcome donation at the end of last year from the PWC Umbono team.

The team supports Ark and various other charities, so to round up last year they donated 60 Santa Shoe boxes to the the rescue shelter filled with treats and toys for the shelter’s puppies. The PWC Umbono team also helped Ark last year by working on their children’s play area. “Marina Lochner runs the group and is always finding ways to help make our lives easier,” said Candice Eilertsen of Ark. “She is an Ark angel and we don’t know what we would have done without her and the team in 2014.”

She added that the rescue shelter had big plans for the new year. This year they have welcomed a kennel manager and admin officer to the Ark team. Eilertsen thanked the shelter’s many supporters as well as their wonderful vets who gave invaluable support to the shelter last year. “To our social media followers, your support and encouragement is unwavering and to our volunteers, without you the shelter would not run,” Eilertsen said.

She said this year the shelter would focus on getting their Ark sterilisation clinic up and running in order to offer the service to community members who were not in a financial position to sterilise their animals.

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