
Voting needs to add up

Vanesan Naidoo writes:

I don’t believe voting should be on paper only.

Each identity number should be given a pin. After the election each pin and the selected party must be made public. So if the wrong party is next to your pin then you know you have been had. There’s definite rigging if you know you voted for one party but next to your pin it says another party. We can’t audit our votes currently so how do we know it’s free and fair? Voting should be done electronically and in print so that we can compare the electronic vote to the print vote and see if there is a strong correlation. If the electronic vote and print vote is vastly different then you know things are not halaal. If there are 27 million registered voters and only 17 million turned up to vote then those 10 million blank ballots must be showed to the public so that we can see that things are adding up.

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