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Police intimidation allegation investigated

DOUGLASDALE - Douglasdale Community Police Forum chairperson Jean Berdou is overseeing allegations of police intimidation by Douglasdale police.

Warrant officer Balan Muthan of the Douglasdale police station has confirmed that the case was reported to the stations management, and is being investigated.

5 July 8am

A YouTube audio, Sisters in their PJs being pulled over by police, surfaced online and has received 2 566 views.

The explanation accompanying the 2.02 minute audio said two sisters were pulled over by police before midnight on 25 July. The sisters were without their driver’s licenses. They drove to Douglasdale Police Station and locked themselves in their car until their father arrived. The explanation states, “The recording is what happened after we were surrounded by four police officers, pictures taken of us, told we were resisting arrest and that they were going to break the window.” The sound of police officers tapping on the window and the sisters’ crying can be heard.

Once the sisters’ father arrived, due process was followed.

Berdou said the matter was reported to Douglasdale Police’s Station’s commander, who was investigating the case, while Berdou was overseeing the process. He said a statement of the findings would be revealed in due course.

Douglasdale Community Police Forum wanted to re-assure the public that Douglasdale police officers, if complied with, do not pose a threat to the community, however misconduct may be recorded and reported immediately and will be dealt with appropriately.

“I understand that in the age we live in, with several stories of police misconduct, that caution should be taken. It is not the intention of Douglasdale police to intimidate, but police have the right by law to ask for a driver’s identification and ask for an explanation when an act appears to be suspicious,” said Berdou.

Some comments to the audio criticised the police behaviour and one questioned what to do in a similar situation.

Berdou advised, “Co-operate with the police when asked to stop and produce identification. If you are afraid, drive to the nearest police station and on the way call a friend to meet you there. At the police station, comply with the police officers’ instructions but wait for your friend to arrive before entering the police station. If your vehicle or person is searched, permit this to be done and allow your friend to supervise that nothing is taken,” explained Berdou.

He warned against bribing police officers.

He urged the community to report cases of misconduct immediately.

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