
Cedarwood School teacher publishes first book

Nkazimulo Mbonani, a teacher at Cedarwood School, has recently self-published a book titled ‘Umcebo Ombelwe,’ which translates to ‘The Hidden Treasure’ in English. In this novel, Mbonani explores the concept of achieving goals through patience and making sound decisions in various aspects of life.

Nkazimulo Mbonani, a teacher at Cedarwood School, has recently self-published a book titled ‘Umcebo Ombelwe,’ which translates to ‘The Hidden Treasure’ in English. In his book, Mbonani explores the concept of achieving goals through patience and making sound decisions in various aspects of life. With a keen sense of observation, the writer draws inspiration from the environment and the people who shape it, including society at large. Let’s delve into the motivation behind the book and discover the intriguing insights it offers.

“I am a very observant person,” Mbonani states. By keenly observing the environment and the individuals who inhabit it, he has gained valuable insights into human behaviour and the dynamics of society. This heightened sense of awareness serves as the foundation for the themes explored in ‘Umcebo Ombelwe.’

Nkazimulo Mbonani holding his book Umcebo Ombelwe.

In a fast-paced world where instant gratification is often sought, he acknowledges the need to exercise patience and perseverance. The book delves into the idea that every decision, no matter how big or small, plays a role in reaching one’s objectives. By exploring this concept, Mbonani encourages readers to reflect on their own decision-making processes and consider the long-term consequences of their choices.

Mbonani’s contemplation on the significance of patience led him to embark on a personal journey of self-discovery. ‘Umcebo Ombelwe’ serves as a medium through which the author invites readers to ponder the intricacies of their own lives, encouraging them to find hidden treasures within themselves. By sharing his own insights and experiences, Mbonani aims to inspire readers to embrace patience and make mindful decisions along their own paths.

Writer, Nkazimulo Mbonani.

“When you are trying to find a treasure, you have to work really hard. It is usually not found on the surface. You have to dig deep to find it. Achieving our goals is also not easy but each and every decision you make big or small draws you closer to the treasure which is your ultimate goal.”

Mbonani added, “I am currently translating my book into English. Please expect my novel ‘Burnt to Ashes’ coming out soon.”

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