
Recycling depot at Dainfern College

Dainfern College launches a new recycling depot that will help teach learners to be more environmentally responsible.

Dainfern College celebrates a new recycling depot that will help teach learners to be more environmentally responsible.

As a member of the international community of Round Square schools, Dainfern College intentionally includes Round Square’s internationalism, democracy, environmentalism, adventure, leadership, and service as ideal values of the organisation in its educational offer. Dainfern College celebrates the Round Square birthday on June 5, which is also World Environmental Day. This year, the focus was on environmental issues that affected the global community as one.

High School learners tour the new recycling depot.

Recycling sorting bins had been part of the campus culture at Dainfern College since 2012 through a partnership with Bekabee Waste Management that helped sort out waste on the campus. This informal set-up has now been upgraded to a formal recycling depot that is financed by the college but designed, and built by Bekabee to help focus on the importance of recycling as a path to environmental sustainability.

The new recycling depot at Dainfern College.

According to Dainfern College’s executive head JC Engelbrecht, “The need to care for the environment is imbued in all Dainfern College learners, and not only in the classroom but also in day-to-day interaction, and behaviour on campus.
“Recycling is a particular focus as not only does it keep the school campus safe and clean, but it also teaches environmental awareness and responsibility in the students as a lifelong lesson. Recycling has been a particular focus as not only does it keep the school campus safe and clean, but it also teaches environmental awareness and responsibility to the learners as a lifelong lesson.”

Junior Preparatory learners add their thumbprints to the art canvas as a symbol of their pledge to be environmentally responsible citizens.

At the official opening, learners from each section of the college were given the chance to view the facility after being addressed by the principals. As part of the proceedings learners from Grade 0 to Grade 12 were asked to make a pledge to look after the environment by picking up litter and placing it in the correct recycling bins. The students were also given ribbons to wear for the remainder of Round Square Week as a symbol of their commitment.

Senior Preparatory learners are addressed by guest speaker Katelyn Marais.

Engelbrecht reminded each student of the vital importance of environmental stewardship. “We each have a role to play in caring for the Earth not only for ourselves but also for future generations. Recycling is one small step on the road to environmental sustainability, but it is something that everyone can do.
“The pride and commitment of the learners were clearly evident when a little Grade 1 learner proudly referenced the new recycling depot as ‘our recycling place’.”

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