
Crawford International Fourways names their new school councillors

New councillors are announced in the Grade 7 class at Crawford International Fourways.

New councillors at Crawford International Fourways were honoured in front of their parents.

Crawford International Fourways hosted their Grade 7 learners and parents for the councillors’ induction, which formally introduces them to the school’s leadership programme.
Deputy principal at the school Deanan Naidoo opened proceedings with a message to each learner that they have leadership potential and ability. The school’s leadership programme is created to display these characteristics.

Each learner then pledged to mirror the attributes of integrity, honesty and empathy for others. It is seen on the school’s pledge which they sign to receive the school tie and their councillor’s badge.

The 2023 Grade 7 Class at Crawford International Fourways stands proud as they take on their new roles as councillors.

Senior principal at the school Ian Rothman said there is a lot of importance in the role of being a school councillor.
“The role of the school councillor is to be accountable for various duties and act as ambassadors for the school and role models for their peers and fellow schoolmates,” he said.
“This very important role carries a lot of responsibility. Some people embrace it and some may find it a little more difficult, but with the assistance and guidance of teachers, parents and our community, we can all overcome difficulties and learn from them.”

Words of inspiration from Trudie Goodchild were also shared with the learners and read, “Often it is consistency and perseverance that makes the difference. Keep on, press ahead, be the best you can be, be an individual and celebrate your success.”
After the induction, learners and parents got to celebrate with a buffet breakfast while parents helped the new councillors with tying their new ties.

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