
Pinnacle College Kyalami learners show up and show off

Learners had the opportunity to show their various talents at the Baobab Festival.

Pinnacle College Kyalami hosted the annual Baobab Arts Festival on June 11.

According to head of school Pinnacle College Kyalami Tammy Pannall, the festival started in 2017 but due to Covid-19 they were not able to run it for two years. “I’m just so excited that we are having this again, our students have been practising for probably around two months.”

Teboho Pitso recites a poem about love on stage. Photo: Angela Trzeciak


The festival had an array of craft stalls which sold a variety of items such as, soaps, art pieces, cotton candy, children’s toys and different food stalls. Aadila Kahn, one of the parents and sellers, said it was her first time selling at the Baobab Festival and that she would definitely come again next year.

Nhlulo Nyampule shows off his acting skills in an educational drama. Photo: Angela Trzeciak

The evening was a day for the learners of the school to show off their talent and for small businesses to have the opportunity to sell their goods.


“We came here to support our cousin, we have never been here and we are excited to see what happens,” said Humbelani Mandiwana, one of the participants of the festival.

Rouge Moon Clothing display their crafts at the Baobab Festival. Photo: Angela Trzeciak

The performances were mostly from the high school learners, however, the preparatory marimba band had the opportunity to perform in the amphitheatre before the main performances.

Petra Opoku Jhonston, Kevin Galeboe, Sesethu Ben-Mazwi, Khumo Mpolokeng, Nhlulo Nyampule act in a dramatic arts play. Photo: Angela Trzeciak


The learners showed off their creativity on stage in the school hall. The performances included a dramatic arts play; a variety show where different learners had the opportunity to show off their singing, dancing, musical and poetry skills. There was also a dance and physical theatre show.

Kgatontle Digabane dances her heart out on stage. Photo: Angela Trzeciak

“It’s absolute wonderful art that we have at the school, our students are extremely talented. They are obviously talented in different ways, so you’re going to see them act, sing and dance. We also have a variety show that gives the students an opportunity to showcase their talents because they haven’t got many platforms to do so,” said Pannall when explaining what motivated the school to start the festival.

Caitlyn Nel reaches out during her routine on the Variety Show. Photo: Angela Trzeciak

On display was also creative photographs taken by the learners and art pieces from the learners.

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