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Learning and teaching takes off smoothly at Crawford Primary School, Fourways

FOURWAYS– Rothman said the past two years has been difficult for both learners and teachers due to Covid-19 pandemic that imposed many changes in schooling system.

Crawford Primary School, Fourways held its first assembly on the first day of teaching and learning for the 2022 academic year.

Excited and happy Grade R to Grade 3 learners gathered in the main hall of the school on January 12 and received a warm welcome from senior principal at the school, Ian Rothman.

Rothman encouraged the learners to continue being resilient and rise above challenges to become great future leaders.

He said the past two years had been difficult for both learners and teachers due to the Covid-19 pandemic and they had to impose many changes to the schooling system.

“Last year we didn’t have our first assembly because of Covid-19 pandemic restrictions. Today we are here, however, some restrictions like social distance and wearing of masks still apply and we must adhere to them. I want you to take a lesson from a small seed that gets planted in the soil, grows and overcomes many difficult weather conditions and subsequently grows to become a big tree that makes a forest,” he said.

He said school management and staff members would continue working hard to meet the needs of each and every learner at the school.

Rothman also welcomed and introduced the new teachers who would teach French and Mandarin.

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