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A sweet world record attempt for Fourways resident

EPSOM DOWNS – It will be a day of sweet success on 28 February as Andre van Ziji attempts to set the world record of doughnuts made by hand in support of Bible Society of South Africa.

Dough or doughnut, there is no try.

That is Fourways resident Andre van Ziji’s philosophy as he plans to set the world record for the largest number of doughnuts baked without using a machine at the Epsom Downs Shopping Centre on 28 February. With 54 world records already under his belt (for a number of feats including rollerskating for 111 hours straight, staying in a Jacuzzi for 300 hours and baking the record number of pancakes, cupcakes, muffins and vetkoeke in a limited number of hours, all to raise funds for various charities and causes), Van Ziji’s number 55 will be in support of the Bible Society of South Africa.

The organisation, which has been in South Africa for 200 years this year, will use the money raised by the attempt to distribute free Bibles to the public. There is no previous world record for a number of doughnuts made by hand.

“When it comes to making doughnuts, there are machines that can cook thousands of doughnuts per hour,” he told the Fourways Review. “But I’ll be doing it by hand, which will be a bit harder than my other baking attempts, particularly as you don’t just put doughnuts on a tray and into an oven, they need to be deep-fried.

“There’s so much negativity in the world and my hope is that by getting access to the word of God, more people will become more positive and giving to others in their lives.”

Van Ziji has been earning records since he was 16 years old and has managed to raise millions of rands for charities that work with the disabled, animals in need and orphans. For Friday’s attempt, he will arrive at the store at about midnight to begin his work, and members of the public can start buying the doughnuts for R5 each as soon as the store opens at 9am. He hopes to make about 1 000 doughnuts in total.

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All the ingredients for the doughnuts are being donated by the Pick n Pay at Epsom Downs Shopping Centre, which will also be hosting the event.

“It’s a lovely gesture that Andre is doing,” explained Chad Dunnington, the owner of the store. “I’m so excited!”

People who would like to support Andre are welcome to stop by the store to purchase a doughnut during business hours, and can also place bulk orders by calling the store directly. Van Ziji urged everyone able to, to come along on the day and support his initiative so that the world becomes a little bit brighter.

“People are so busy these days that sometimes they don’t take a minute of time to help other people,” van Ziji explained. “I’d urge people to do as much good as you can, when you can, because you can. We’re all only one heartbeat away from not being here any more.”

Details: Pick n Pay Epsom Downs 011 463 3503.

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