
HeronBridge learner comes out on top in benchmark exam

NIETGEDACHT – Daniel Campbell of HeronBridge College got some of the best marks in the country for the IeBTs benchmark exams recently.

After writing the Independent Examination Board’s Benchmark Tests (IeBTs) in maths and physical science, HeronBridge College Grade 12 Daniel Campbell has received some of the best results in the country.

Daniel wrote both subjects at the end of the 2019 academic year but only received his marks in late January. For the physical science exam, he received a mark of 95 per cent, making him the top achiever in the country, while for the maths exam he received a mark of 97.5 per cent making him number four in the country, The IeBTs are two-hour. multiple choice exams set by the Independent Examination Board (IEB) that aim to assess learner’s performance in the Grade 11 curriculum.

All IEB schools can register to participate, and HeronBridge College has enrolled its entire Grade 11 class to do so over the past few years.

“I enjoy both maths and physical science as they are interesting and make sense, you can always find the right answer,” said Daniel a few days after his results were revealed during a school assembly. “It was easy to prepare [for the IeBTs] as we wrote them while we were doing our school exams.”

The exams are in a multiple-choice format, as this is an examination technique often used at tertiary institutions. According to the IEB, who was contacted in the writing of this story, the body does not give out information on how many learners participate in the IeBTs each year or the pass rate, as the examinations are intended for growth purposes for individual learners instead of competition. Daniel believes that’s no excuse not to try your hardest to do well though.

“A lot of people may think ‘while this isn’t for marks, so I don’t have to make an effort’, but I’d encourage people to try their best. I’d encourage everyone to try their best and do well for the school, as it shows how good HeronBridge is.”

After Grade 12, Daniel plans to study veterinary science, as he wants a career where he can work with animals, outdoors and use his intelligence for something good.

The IEB does not comment on the individual results of learners who take the IeBTs.

Details: HeronBridge College

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