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Radio star thanks public

BRYANSTON – Top radio personality expresses gratitude to the public following a traumatic break-in at Bryanston home.

Media personality Masechaba Ndlovu has paid gratitude to her friends and family following a traumatic break-in at her Bryanston home.

This comes after five armed robbers in balaclavas broke into her house in the wee hours of Thursday morning, 25 July.

Ndlovu was held at gunpoint alongside her boys and nanny, while the robbers got away with her luxury BMW 5 Series, cell phones, TV, laptop and cash.

The radio presenter detailed the incident in a Facebook post, “Five armed men with balaclavas broke into my home, and they pulled me out of my bed at gunpoint.

“My 11-year-old son was sleeping next to me; then they led me down the passage, checking every room to see who else was in the house and my six-year-old old son was asleep with his nanny in one of the bedrooms.

“My children’s nanny and I were led back to the main bedroom. We were forced to lay on our stomachs, then tied up with cable ties with our hands behind our backs and held hostage for over an hour while our home was ransacked.

“At one point, they didn’t know what to do with us and they argued among themselves but by God’s grace, they took a decision to leave us unharmed and no one was seriously hurt.”

Ndlovu further revealed that her 11-year-old son managed to get help from neighbours after the robbers had fled the scene. The Big Secret host also expressed her gratitude to the police after they managed to locate her car quickly. ” A big shout-out to SAPS who acted swiftly and with care. My car was recovered in Alex, after a police chase, approximately 30 minutes after the call out, with most of the contents still inside.”

Gauteng police spokesperson Captain Kay Makhubela said, “At the moment investigations are still ongoing and we haven’t made any arrests.”

The former Metro FM presenter appreciated citizens for showing her support. “Thank you so much for your loving messages. My family and I are doing well, a trauma counsellor came out to our home on Thursday morning after the scene was cleared.

“Our neighbours have been extremely supportive, the entire country has rallied around us and a big thank you to Beagle Watch Armed response for putting in extra measures in place to ensure our ongoing security.

“My well is overflowing because the depth of my gratitude far outweighs my trauma, my family and I survived a home invasion, to God be the glory.”

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