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Last ladies networking meeting of the year a success with Hirsch’s Fourways

FOURWAYS – The final ladies networking meeting of 2018 took place at Hirsch's recently and focused on information and recognition


Hirsch’s Fourways celebrated their final ladies networking morning for the year on 15 November with the theme ‘information and recognition’.

The morning kicked off with dietician Wendy Lord speaking to Hirsch’s staff about diabetes and the importance of diet in our busy and stressed lives. She quoted statistics and clearly brought home the importance of making healthier choices.

The second guest speaker was Julie Steynberg, the national president for Change Makers SA.

“She is not only a radio presenter but also a coach, mentor, trainer and facilitator and wellness practitioner.,” explained Sharron Dingle of the store.

“Julie presented Margaret Hirsch with a blue ribbon ceremony at the Gauteng Margaret Hirsch Women in Business Gala event which recently took place at Emperors Palace.

Basetsana Koboyankwe supports Jaci Tibbit’s charitable campaign called ‘Poverty Sucks’.
Brenda Hill, Caroline Renzulli, Tracy Wolf, Julie Steynberg, Debbie Botha and Sharron Dingle enjoy the final networking meeting of 2018.

“She spent her address telling networkers that they should always strive to recognise greatness in others and to go out and find a way to celebrate them. As part of the recognition blue ribbons are presented and then the recipient passes a ribbon on to someone else.

“To add to the occasion, organisers decided to perform a blue ribbon ceremony on four of our Fourways 2017/ 2018 finalists – Brenda Hill, Caroline Renzulli, Tracy Wolf and Debbie Botha.”

Then Julie also decided to present one to Sharron Dingle as well in recognition of her efforts. Dingle said she was extremely proud to have been included in the ceremony.

For more information about the networking or to be included on the database, please email Sharron Dingle at sharron@hirschs.co.za


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