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Taxi app to help alleviate the concerns of Ward 93 councillor

SUNNINGHILL – These are the issues Ward 93 councillor has raised.


Ward 93 councillor, Candice James, is rearing to go as she aims to improve situations in the ward.

“My issues in the ward – as I have mentioned before on separate occasions – are the number of illegal trailers, signboards and posters in the area. With help from the Metro police, we aim to get the issues addressed and stabilised,” said James

She explained that another issue she has is the taxi problem in the area. “Another project that we are doing is with the Eastern Taxi Liaison Committee for the month of October, which is Transport Month. We are looking at reducing the bad driving behaviour of taxi drivers.”

She stated that the committee was willing to come on board with a reward system to reward a good taxi driver. “This project is still in the works as we are trying to get sponsorships to help fund this initiative. At the end of Transport Month, residents and drivers will be able to report on good and bad driving, and the driver who has the best points will receive a prize,” she said.

“This is something brand-new which has never been done and whoever wants to get involved in this can contact me.”

James highlighted that with hopes to design an app, which will have a taxi driver, who has agreed to come on board, to be loaded on the system with a specialised colour. “This will be easy to identify the driver while he drives around the area and residents and commuters will be able to log into the app and rate the taxi driver’s driving.”

The app is set to enforce the obedience of road rules and road signs.

“We hope that taxi drivers will get on board with us regarding this project as it will lead to better roads for commuters and pedestrians. Most vehicle deaths are pedestrian deaths hence this is highly needed in the area.”

James mentioned that the ultimate hope was to one day host the best driver of the year award ceremony where the best taxi driver will get their taxi branded as the ‘best taxi driver of the year’ for all to see. “Currently the project will be for the Eastern TLC which covers Alexandra, Ivory Park and a section of the Fourways area, as residents and commuters will be able to see which taxi is part of the app and which isn’t.”

How excited are you about the taxi app? Share your views on the Fourways Review Facebook page.


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