
Schoolchildren learn more about careers at career expo

DOUGLASDALE – Among the exhibitors was the Douglasdale police who showcased the various career options in the police services.


Opening the eyes of schoolchildren to a life beyond matric was the order of the day as they learnt about different careers which various exhibitors presented at a career expo held at Sharonlea Primary School.

Among the exhibitors was the Douglasdale police who showcased the various career options in the police services.

The expo was organised by non-profit organisation, Beyond Matric.

Head of communications for the Douglasdale Police Station, Captain Mpho Tshetlhane said, “We are here to market the different careers that we have in the South African Police Services such as administration, forensic, expert analysis, spiritual services and human resources.”

Tshetlhane added that the mission of the day was to make the schoolchildren and community members aware that policing not only took place on the street but in the office as well.

The founder of Beyond Matric, Unathi Mhlope said, “We had a day planned for the Grade 11 and 12 schoolchildren in Johannesburg to come here at the school to learn that there is life beyond matric. We invited different exhibitors to come showcase what the real world is all about and the job paths they could choose which will help them make the right decision.

“I am also grateful for the wonderful help I got from the Douglasdale police as they were quick to respond to my invitation and to me, that shows how invested they are in the future generation.”

The organisation aims to build a community of career-wise youth and help them navigate through the world of careers thereby nurturing and grooming highly driven and ambitious young people.

Mhlope added that the schoolchildren were grateful for the opportunity. “They thanked us and shared that they are more aware of the jobs that are out there.”

Filler: Do you have any career advice for schoolchildren? Share it on the Fourways Review Facebook page

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