
Douglasdale police visit Maria Montessori Primary School as part of the crime awareness campaign

DOUGLASDALE – Read what the Douglasdale police had to say to Maria Montessori House schoolchildren.

In a bid to curb bullying and crime in schools, the Douglasdale police conducted a school talk on 27 February at Maria Montessori House in Chartwell.

According to the head of communications for the Douglasdale Police Station, Captain Mpho Tshetlhane, the purpose was to make the schoolchildren become aware of crime around them. “We are here today to teach these children the dangers around crime. These dangers include dangerous weapons, child trafficking, bullying, and cyberbullying.”


She added that about 54 schoolchildren from Grade 1 to 7 were addressed about the crimes. “The children enjoyed learning about crime awareness as they were actively participating with us. They knew about the crimes and I would like to commend their teachers for doing a great job in educating them about these crimes,” Tshetlhane said.

“The station will continue with these awareness events to ensure the safety of our children at schools.”

Talking on her experience of the police’s visit at their primary school was teacher Marelize Merl who said, “It was great that the police came to visit our school and taught our schoolchildren on child trafficking and bullying among other topics discussed on the day. Our children were very enthusiastic to learn how to protect themselves when danger arises.”

She added that the police also taught the children never to walk alone on street corners or leave their homes without telling anyone where they were going. “Now that the police have opened the conversation of child protection, the school will continue teaching the children more on the topics discussed as it is very important for our children to know how to protect themselves from danger.”

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