
Cedar Road works – a nightmare!

FOURWAYS – Fourways resident pleads for answers on Cedar Road roadworks.

Anomyous writes:

I am a resident of Cedar Ave West. The roadworks on Cedar Road from Uranium Road down to the Broadacres Spar came to an abrupt halt about two weeks ago.

This is causing untold chaos with the traffic, particularly on weekends when no points men are working.

From what I understand when I called Jodan Construction is that the community did not want the roadworks to proceed and were threatening the workers. Furthermore, hearsay says it is the Diepsloot residents that are stopping the roadworks.

It would be good to understand exactly what is going on and get Jodan to come and finish the mess they have created. Do we need to include the ward councillor in this?

Hopefully, the media will uncover the truth.

And the community I live in definitely wants the roadworks completed now. Enough is enough.

I am also fairly sure the Kia dealership has had enough of getting their vehicles dirty from all the dust outside caused by this roadwork mess that has been left behind by Jodan.

Hoping to receive some clarity on this.


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