
Land of Oz embraces diversity on Mandela Day

CHARTWELL – Embracing diversity starts young. Find out how the Land of Oz preschool honoured SA's diversity this Mandela Day.

Land of Oz Nursery school celebrated Mandela Day on 18 July by getting everybody at the school to wear two different shoes to school that day. This was done to embrace the differences and diversities within South Africa.

“We all had so much fun looking at each other’s shoes and with fun and laughter we celebrated our beautiful country,” said Maureen Irving, the principal of the school. We took this opportunity to teach the children about the diversity of South Africa and its people.

“One of our life skills is teaching the children that we are different in many ways, we look different from each other, we like different friends, different food and we like to do different activities – some like art and some like soccer.”

Through the Land of Oz’s Outreach programme, Mission Possible, the school has raised R55 299 this year and are partnering with Stop Hunger Now SA to pack meals for children in need, in support of Mandela Day. For their 67 minutes of good, children and teachers from the school packed these meals at the Chartwell school on 27 July.

The drive to help those at the New Jerusalem Children’s Home

Does your school have a special outreach programme? We want to hear about it, so please share on our Fourways Review Facebook page.

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