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Fourways single mom opens her own bakery

FOURWAYS – A single mother has started her own baking business. Find out about it here!


Jaydine Sonnekus’ niece just could not seem to manage to say the word ‘delicious’ successfully. Try as she might, the only pronunciation that came out of the little girl’s mouth was ‘selicious’, a word that Sonnekus remembered when it came to choosing a name for her new baking business.

“At first when [my family and I] heard it, we just laughed at how cute it was,” Sonnekus told Fourways Review. “But then we decided to google it, and I saw that it was a slang term meaning ‘seductively delicious’.”

“I chose it for the name of my bakery because that is exactly what baking should be – seductively delicious.”

The Fourways resident and single mom founded her Selicious Bakery in late 2016, and now makes a wide variety of cakes, cupcakes and other sweet treats in her own home between working part-time and caring for her five-year-old daughter Morgan.

“I particularly love making themed cakes,” Sonnekus said. “I can make anything and everything, but I know that it’s really hard to find cakes with a theme, and so that’s what I specialise in. I’m used to it as well, because every time Morgan has a birthday party, I’ll make the cake myself and try and incorporate all the things she wants, and she’s a bit of a baking monster!” Sonnekus laughed.

“When people plan a party I think they shy away from trying to get a specialised cake, because firstly a lot of bakers aren’t willing to make them for clients, and secondly they’re often so overpriced.”

Sonnekus enjoys making themed cakes, such as this one which was decorated like the movie ‘Zootropolis’. Photo: Supplied


Although juggling motherhood, starting a business and also having another job can be stressful, Sonnekus believes that being a single parent has helped her become a better baker because she now understands how important small details can be, and how important it is to put your heart into the things that you do.

“I wouldn’t say that I started Selicious for Morgan – I started it because it was my passion – it is nice to know that if I ever lose my other job, there will still be this income to take care of her with.”

“I do hope that one-day baking will be something that [Morgan] does with her own children in the way that we do it together,” Sonnekus concluded.

For more information about Selicious Bakery, visit www.selicious.co.za


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