
Ward councillor Candice James is eradicating the streets of illegal advertising

FOURWAYS – Councillor Candice James addresses the issue of illegal posters.


Illegal posters have become a major problem in the greater Fourways area and Ward 93 councillor Candice James has taken it upon herself to sort this problem out.

The City of Johannesburg‘s outdoor advertising by-laws stipulate, ‘every poster for which permission is granted as stipulated in subsection 1 must be provided with a sticker supplied by the Council and only a poster with such a sticker may be displayed’.

“Even if I have to drive and cut them down myself, I will,” said James.

Putting her money where her mouth is, James drove to Witkoppen Road and removed all the illegal posters that she could find along the road. However, when James returned two days later the posters were back and had doubled. She took her scissors and got rid of the signs once again.

The boot of Councillor Candice James’ car is full of illegal posters put up by community members who ignore the City bylaws.

James said that no one is above the law and community members all have to abide by certain rules. James wants to keep her ward as safe and as clean as possible for the residents of the Fourways, Sunninghill and the Paulshof community.

Your poster must be approved by the City before you put it up.

If community members want to put up posters, a specific process must be followed with the City of Johannesburg. The City’s outdoor advertising bylaws stipulate: “No person may erect any advertising sign or use or continue to use any advertising sign or any structure or device as an advertising sign without the prior written approval of the Council: Provided that the provisions of this subsection do not apply to any advertising sign exempted in terms of section.”

James added, “Even if your poster is legal with a council sticker on it, it shouldn’t be displayed on robots, fences, walls, trees, stop signs or any yielding signs.” Posters must be removed four days after an event at the very latest.

She also said community members have the right to remove any signs that do not have the City of Johannesburg sticker on it.

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