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Even if you’ve lived a full life, you can still change lives

FOURWAYS– Tumi Radebe wants to inspire young woman to reach out and challenge life. Read more about this Mrs South Africa contender.


Tumi Radebe is a 41-year-old mother and wife, but also a business woman who has lived a full life.

She studied marketing management and fashion design and now owns a label called Tumi R Centia, previously known as Centiational.

Radebe, whose life has been filled with many dreams, challenges and victories, now aspires to win the Mrs South Africa title, to show women that there is always a way to get their voices heard. Through hard work and endless ambition, she has raised the bar.

Radebe was born in Orlando East in Soweto and has faced many difficulties. “I grew up in a place where things were not always so rosy,” said Radebe. What she has experienced in life has ‘provoked’ a passion inside her to help young women who are going through similar struggles. “I [do] not want them to feel sorry for themselves, but to go out there and make things happen for themselves.”

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Radebe feels very strongly about empowering women and wants to encourage women who still deal with fears from their past. Some women are terrified by experiences from their past that holds them back, explained Radebe.

“For me, entering Mrs South Africa was one of the ways to conquer my fears and being in the top 100 and a Mrs South Africa semi-finalist 2017 is a great achievement already. I believe I have what it takes to win,” said Radebe.

Radebe does not want to see woman shutting down their dreams, just because they feel unworthy. She believes this competition is one way to showcase strong woman.

Radebe added that she wants her life experiences to encourage other women to step out of their comfort zones and to challenge life. She is also passionate about her campaign work for the Cancer Association of South Africa (Cansa). “It is very close to my heart as we are losing friends and families to cancer.”

Radebe said she would like to ask the community to support her by voting for her.

To vote for Tumi Radebe follow the following steps:

Facebook Vote:

Visit the Mrs South Africa Facebook page and like the page https://www.facebook.com/MrsSouthAfrica/

Click on photos, scroll down to Tumi Radebe’s photo and like it.

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