
Continue to save water

FOURWAYS – Read tips on how to save water.


The community seems to think that after all the heavy rains that the water problem is now be resolved, but according to Graham Craggs, spokesperson for Budget Insurance, this is not the case.

“Residents are not only being asked to be frugal with water, but Joburgers will be charged a tariff if their monthly water consumption exceeds 20 kilolitres of water,” said Craggs.

Read also Joburg Water escalate water restrictions

All homeowners will pay 10 per cent extra if they use 20 or 30 litres per month and 20 per cent extra if between 30 and 40 litres of water is used monthly. Anything above 40 litres a month will be charged 30 per cent extra.

“This is a significant amount of money to add to your monthly bill; plus the fact that South Africa is in a water crisis, should motivate consumers to be frugal with their water usage,” said Craggs.

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A good way to start is to implement Level 2 water restrictions which are no irrigation between 6am and 6pm, no filling of pools with municipal water (but you can top them up to the weir), and not using hosepipes to wash cars or hose down pavements.

Here are a few basic pointers to reduce water use:

  • Make sure your plumbing works properly and placing a brick in your toilet bowl to reduce water use.
  • Take short showers and speed up your tooth brushing routine.
  • Fix all leaking taps
  • Cover your pool to avoid evaporation.
  • Only water your garden after 6pm and only when necessary.
  • Avoid pre-wash cycles when using your washing machine and use water efficient cycles.
  • Consider dual flush toilet mechanisms and low-flow shower heads.
  • Collect rain water in JoJo tanks for cleaning your vehicle
  • Use grey water for your garden.

Every single thing that you do can make a difference; no matter how insignificant it may seem.

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