
Meet Foley, the DA man in Ward 94

FOURWAYS - Meet David Foley, a man who negates his own time to service the community.

David Foley of the Democratic Alliance (DA) could potentially be your Ward 94 councillor if elected and, for this reason, Fourways Review engaged with him in order to give readers a deeper understanding of this aspiring City father.

Foley is confident of winning the elections and to step into John Mendelsohn’s shoes.

He has his job set out already and has identified challenges affecting Ward 94:

  • Slow service delivery in general
  • Illegal taxi ranks
  • Bad driver behaviour
  • Major developments putting a strain on current infrastructure
  • Increased traffic volumes frustrating motorists
  • Semi-skilled workers impacting essential services with approved projects eg water reticulation (pipe replacement) resulting in major water leaks and water wastage in Lonehill.
LEADER IN THE MAKING: David Foley of the Democratic Alliance is set to improve Ward 94.
LEADER IN THE MAKING: David Foley of the Democratic Alliance is set to improve Ward 94.

Foley intends to solve the problems in the following way:

  • Engagement at a management and senior management level
  • Building professional relationships with all departments
  • Ensuring effective processes are in place
  • Measuring departments according to service level agreements
  • Defined budget allocation and management thereof
  • Set up of forums for residents to be part of the Integrated Development Plan for their areas by providing input
  • Drive issues to resolution and ensuring that sustainable solutions are put in place.

Foley, who is also an IT specialist with Telkom, serves the community as chairperson of the Douglasdale Sector 4 Crime Forum. The 51-year-old former director of the Lonehill Residents’ Association (LRA) is a busy man and said, “I play golf, gym or go running if ever I happen to have spare time, but I rarely get it.”

The man also did not even have time to have children. “I was busy and had no time for that,” said the humorous DA man.

Read more:

Ward 93 councillor shares her hopes for 2016

DA ward councillor considers himself an agent of change

DA assigns Deppe to Ward 132

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